The NBAA is a Tanzanian accountancy professionalbody established under the Auditors and Accountants(Registration) Act No 33 of 1972, as amended by Act No 2 of 1995. It is an accountancy regulatory professional body,operating under the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs of Tanzania (MOFEA). The Board started carrying out its activities from 15th January 1973.
The NBAA has made a significant contribution to accountancy development in Tanzania over the pastdecade, especially on administration and examination processes. NBAA is an examining body for the accountancy professional qualifications. However, NBAA does not train candidates who are preparing to sit for its examinations, but is collaborating with a number of training institutions, both public and private institutions to train candidates for its examinations. Training can either be on full time or on part time basis, depending on one’s choice. There is a number of training institutions in the country offer training and learning facilities for the candidates’ preparing for the Board’s examinations.
Various reports have indicated that Tanzania has shortage of qualified accountants compare to other African countries. The qualified accountants are the ones who have passed the Board’s examination and awarded the Certified Public Accountants, CPA (T) certificate. Becoming a CPA (T) requires the candidates passing the Board’s examination and obtaining practical experience. Candidates pursuing the Board’s examination must have the same entry qualifications as for university.
In accomplishing its mission and objectives, the NBAA has a Governing Board and a management team of permanent staff. The Governing Board is at the apex of the organisation, responsible for formulating policy and laying down terms of reference to various committees of the Board. The Governing Board functions through six committees, namely:
- Executive Committee
- Member Ethics and Compliance Committee
- Technical Services Committee
- Education and Publications Committee
- Public Sector Committee
- Audit Committee.
The NBAA Management headed by the Executive Director implements the Governing Board’s directives by ensuring that the policies are carried out in an effective and efficient manner. The Executive Director is assisted by who are Head of Departments. The departments are:
� Corporate Services
� Education and Training Services
� Members Services
� Technical and Advisory Services
The NBAA has been operating from its Head Office at Mhasibu House along Bibi Titi Mohamed Street (Kisutu Area) in Dar es Salaam City. Mhasibu House on Plot No 3 – 5 comprisesof a two storey building and small back-house buildings built by theGovernment of Tanzania through the World Bank support between 1995 and 1997. The building accommodates all of the NBAA employees and also a small library. Few office spaces havebeen rented out to other tenants for commercial use.
Mhasibu House Head Office of NBAA